Monday, June 29, 2009

The New Name Dilemma

I know we took a while to name Eden.  I know we disagreed.  I had favorites that he didn't like and... well, I don't know if he really had any favorites.  
But it was supposed to be easier this time.  I already had it narrowed down to two beautiful and perfect names that everyone could love.  What's to be difficult?
As of yesterday, it's back to the drawing board... or the baby naming books and websites, as the case may be.  It turns out that there is someone that couldn't find it in his heart to love my name choices.  
You know, sometimes I want one of those husbands that just says "whatever you think, honey" to things like decorating and baby naming.  But most of the time, deep down, I really appreciate that my husband cares to take an interest in creative things.  It's just harder to enjoy those moments when his taste clashes with mine.  I'm really praying God will just drop the name into both our hearts and cause us both to feel those warm-fuzzies I felt with the names I liked.
He still needs to look at some books for himself, but here's some new combinations I came up with... because I know you're still curious.

Zoe Olivia

Zoe Adelle

Juliet Aurora

Arielle Olivia

Ariel Charlotte

Gemma Charlotte

1 comment:

Just His Best said...

I feel your pain. That's a big reason I tend not to share with others the names that I'm in love with before I've cleared them with Simon. I tend to get my hopes up and then get disappointed when he nixes my choices.