Wednesday, April 15, 2009

He/She's a Squirmer!

I got the chance to see my beautiful itty baby again today! The heartbeat was 164 and he/she is measuring 9 wks. 1 day. I really enjoyed seeing the change that's taken place in just two weeks. Baby Upshaw decided to do a little dance for us while he/she was on screen and seeing those little leg and arm buds kick and squirm was marvelous! The pictures I got aren't too good, but I still have the picture in my mind.
The doc wants me to stay on the progesterone until about week 12 because that's when the placenta is fully formed and takes over. She seemed really encouraged and excited by what we saw today which encouraged me as well. I really wish Chuck could have been there to share the fun... maybe next time.

1 comment:

Just His Best said...

Whoo-hoo! Great news!!