Monday, April 27, 2009


A few random thoughts.

I had my first experience of food really "hitting the spot." When I was pregnant with Eden, I loved that I could eat something I was craving and the feeling I would feel during and after eating it was the epitome of the meaning of "hitting the spot." I hadn't felt that yet this time until last week. I had a salad with grilled chicken at a local pizza place named Sal and Mookies. They have this AMAZING dressing named Green Godess and I was craving it. I completely cleaned my plate and just couldn't get over the total yumminess of the experience for the rest of the evening. It gives me warm fuzzies all over just to think about it now. :)

I am finally drinking more water. I've been really lax in this area this time around and I'm finally correcting that this week. I got down my huge covered plastic jug/cup complete with giant straw that I took home with me from the hospital after I had Eden. As I've mentioned before, I hate drinking water out of a glass unless I'm at a restaurant, so this is just perfect for me.

I think I might be ready to try working out at the Y again. I've been walking quite a bit every day, but it would be beneficial to lift some light weights too.

It's hard to be pregnant when you already have a child! I won't expand too much, because many of you reading this probably already know that. Eden is in a wonderful stage where she's learning so much and becoming more independent, but she's also in a getting-on-all-of-my-nerves and wearing-me-out stage, too. Not so great while I'm pregnant.

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