Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ucky Stage

Next OB visit tomorrow! I'm looking forward to the ultrasound and to good news. I want to get back on a monthly schedule and not a two week schedule.
I felt particularly bad for the better part of the afternoon today. I'm just starting to feel my strength back again now after dinner. I don't know if I'm not eating enough or what. I don't have the hunger to motivate me to eat a lot and I may be suffering physically since my body is using up more energy now. I'm probably just going to have to put myself on some sort of schedule so I can keep feeding that growing baby whether I feel the urge or not.
My face is breaking out like it hasn't in a long, long time. It's awful. I hate the feeling. I always have some acne to cover up, but never so much that I feel overwhelmed. I've had it for so long, you'd think it would just be old hat... but it really bothers me. I hope it's just the extra progesterone and that it will start to clear when I stop the pills. I'm having a hard time feeling attractive as my belly pooches and my face flares up.

1 comment:

Just His Best said...

Hang in there! Can't wait to hear how it all goes. Having had always struggled with acne myself, it is so frustrating to get additional flare ups. I pray it's just the progesterone and that you're skin will be beautiful and glowing soon. :)