Tuesday, August 4, 2009


For a little while there, I was feeling like my belly growth had slowed.  I was telling people that this was the good part of pregnancy because I look pregnant, but not huge like a whale.  I have my energy back and can still reach my extremities.   And, I don't have morning sickness, but I'm not feeling the need to eat all the time either.
I can't say the latter of any of those statements any more.  I look pregnant, very pregnant, HUGELY pregnant in my opinion.  I have grown out of shirts (and pants) I could wear a couple of weeks ago and I'm remembering the frustration of an ever fluctuating and ever shrinking wardrobe that comes with progressing pregnancy.  Things that make you feel cute and are comfy are all of a sudden squeezing you like a sausage and creating more love handles than you really have.  (right?  I don't actually have a muffin top in the back, it's just a carry-over from the belly + the ill-fitting pants)
I still have my energy... mostly.  I do feel it waning more quickly.  What I'm losing even faster is tolerance and patience.  Man, it's trying being biggo preggo with a 19 month old!  I still can reach my extremities, but I did have to ask Chuck to buckle my shoes for me this past Sunday.  I've definitely reached the point where I do NOT want to get anything laying at my feet while sitting unless I can spread my knees apart to make a place for my belly to go.  (that goes double if I'm wearing the pants that squeeze...)
I don't feel the need to eat ALL the time, just a lot of the time.  For a while there, I was pretty much eating normal meals, just slightly larger portions sometimes and maybe one snack a day.  Now, I have a couple of snacks, crave desserts like nobody's business, and can finish off those slightly larger portions and not feel full in the least.  
An aside:  Oh me oh my, did I find the absolute WORST store on Etsy.com I could have possibly found today?  yes. yes I did.  They sell sweets and usually, I would probably think "yum" and then move on and not give it a second thought.  But the pictures and descriptions are devouring my brain and making me salivate even now as I think about them.  I began wondering when the next time was that I was supposed to receive presents so I could ask for something from this store.  I have NEVER asked for food for a gift.  Why ask for something that you won't have after a couple weeks... well, with these treats it would be more like a couple days.  I just need an excuse.  My next present-getting occasion isn't until Christmas and that's much too long to wait. (Oh why can't my birthday be in August?)  Besides, I won't be pregnant any more in December.   Sigh.


Just His Best said...

Let's go halvsies! Whatever you're craving, I'm sure I am too! :)

Sara said...

I wish we lived close enough so that would work. I don't think they'll send half-batches to different addresses. If you want to get your own though, here's the address. Bliss Candies: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7244021