Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Doctor's Visit: 26 weeks

I prayed on my way to the OB this morning.  I prayed for wisdom.  I prayed that she would hear my heart and that the Holy Spirit would interpret my words.  I didn't really know what I was going to say about the sonogram.  I had a LOT of things ready to say.  A LOT of things I could say.  I didn't know what I was actually going to say.
First of all, I have to recognize Eden for being a stellar daughter and perfect tag-along this morning.  She behaved just beautifully.  Thank you God for the blessing of a totally stress-free waiting-room time!!
I also have to mention that our time from sign-in to check-out was only about 45 minutes, which is also incredibly amazing and contributed to the stress-free-ness of the morning.  
My OB checked the heartbeat (between 120-140 bpm) and measured me (measuring right on schedule), talked about my glucose test for next time, mentioned switching to every 2 weeks for appointments and complimented Eden's happy nature.  Nothing was ever mentioned about the sonogram. I guess she just forgot.  So, I mentioned it.
All I said was "I cancelled it because I've been doing some reading preparing for my natural birth and some of the research I read made me uncomfortable with the risks.  My motto for the birth process is 'If it isn't medically needed, why do it?' and I wanted to apply that here too.  I just can't find a reason.  Can you educate me further?"  I also told her I had spoken with the nurse (whose name will not be mentioned) and she promptly said "Oh, she wouldn't even know what to tell you!"  HA!  No joke!  I'm glad she said that.
She went on to take the time to tell me that she totally respected my concerns even though, personally, she sees nothing wrong with ultrasound.  We compromised by setting up my next and last scan for my 30 week appointment instead of waiting until 32-34 weeks.  That way, she can confirm sooner rather than later whether or not the uterus has expanded past the placenta.  If it has, then, that's it.  If it hasn't, she will say no sex and not let me teach classes anymore until the birth.  She'll also want another scan.  
I can compromise.  I really appreciated her understanding and sweetness about the whole thing.  I feel like this conversation confirmed that she'll respect my wishes during the actual birth and that she'll work with me to satisfy my desire for as little intervention as possible.