Sunday, August 16, 2009

Belly Shot: 26 weeks

Here's my belly at 26 weeks and 2 days.  I have another ultrasound scheduled for this week, but after reading my Bradley lesson for week 2, I'm seriously considering calling and cancelling it.  It's purpose, as told to me, is to check and see if my uterus has expanded down beyond the placenta, thus diffusing any concern about placenta previa.  But, so what if it hasn't??  I'm not giving birth anytime soon... and if it hasn't, won't they just schedule another ultrasound for closer to birth?  I guess the question I need to ask is, "Is there another standard ultrasound date closer to birth that you're going to schedule regardless of the outcome of this one?"  If there is, then I might as well just have that one and skip this one.  As much as I want to see Arielle again, if there's no point, why pay for it?  and why create unneeded risk for her?  I didn't have this many ultrasounds with Eden and she and I were both fine with that.  I'm not totally against them, nor do I know whether or not there really is increased risk for things like low birth weight or pre-mature labor, but... I'm just uncomfortable with it.

My Creative Co-Motion class is going strong and I'm exhausted after it every Tuesday and Thursday.  During the class, I don't think about how much energy I'm using.  Between talking loudly to try and keep the kids attention and give directions over the music, squatting down to get on their level and do the movements and marching around in circles, carrying Eden I might add because she doesn't seem to like that part of the class, I pack a good amount of exercise into those 35 minutes.  I was doing water aerobics every Monday and Wednesday, but now, if I don't get to class Monday, there's no class for me that week, because by Wednesday, I don't even consider going.


Just His Best said...

I've never seen cuter belly shots. Are you taking those yourself. Darn you creative types!!!

Sara said...

Taking them with my MacBook. I balance it on the back of the couch and stand in front. Then I drag the pics over to my photo editing software and make them look a bit better...