Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Random Rants

You know what?  I don't remember when I got all antsy to have Eden, but, as of 27 weeks, I can officially say that I am totally fine with the fact that I have between 13 and 15 weeks to go.  (Did I do my math right?  um... yes... 40-42 weeks total. ok.)  No rush.  I have to say that, just because the month in my 42nd week happens to be December, the month of Eden's birth, I really would not prefer to wait until then.  Arielle, don't you want your own birth month?
I will probably read these words and laugh at myself when I hit, say, 35 weeks.  Betcha.

I do not think I can paint my toenails any more.  At least not unless I work on my ability to go without oxygen for an extended period of time.  I cannot get close enough to my toes to paint them without losing my ability to take a breath.  Someone's in the way.  So, this means I will be using a portion of our brand new monthly budget to get a polish change for my toes a couple times between now and November, or I will just hope that the cool weather comes quickly so that I can wear close-toed shoes.

Why is labor so variable?  Why did God decide that there should be such a huge range of lengths, types, descriptions, etc?  I want to plan.  I want to know.  But I want to be all natural and just let it happen.  But I want to know when and how it will naturally happen.  

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