Saturday, October 3, 2009

Belly Shot: 33 weeks

I know I usually skip a week, but I felt like taking another pic. It isn't very good at all. I thought the lighting in my bathroom would be good, but no. Oh well.
This week is different than last week, which is why I felt another pic was warranted.
My hands are feeling constantly swollen now. I've definitely noticed my belly keeping me from sitting up because it totally rests on my thighs. I'm having to get creative when I read Eden a story at night because there's hardly any room on my lap.
It's FINALLY cool here in Jackson. It still gets warm during the day (high 70's), but I haven't had the air on constantly. I've been able to just open the windows and get some nice cool air flow. It's absolutely HEAVEN at night. Like right now... I'm sitting on the couch in shorts and a tank top next to an open window and the cool air is feeling wonderful on my skin. I actually slept with a little bit of the comforter on me last night... for part of the night. I usually just have the sheet on me, or not even the sheet.
The cool air is making me happy.

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