Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Belly Shot

Here's 7 weeks 3 days. I'm thinking I'm not looking any different here than last week. These are the smallest jeans I've been able to fit into since having Eden and they're a bit tight when I first put them on, but after they stretch out, they're still ok.

I am putting at least one pair of maternity jeans into my drawer now and I've also been wearing my jeans a size up from this with a belt to give my pudge some room.

I've been really good about not giving in to every craving (like a huge ice cream cookie sandwich at Sal and Mookie's or a double cheesburger from Wendy's at 3 in the afternoon) and hopefully that will continue for the most part. It's fun to give in sometimes. I do have an extra 300 calories a day to consume. I definitely plan to not worry about calories during Thanksgiving like I might have if I wasn't pregnant. Chuck and I continue to spur each other on in our workouts and I feel like we're both probably the most fitness oriented we've been since the beginning of our marriage. It's nice to have a partner in fitness.

Lookin' good, by the way, honey!! <3

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