Monday, November 17, 2008

Belly Shot

This is 9 weeks on the dot.
I have to admit that if I tighten my abs, I don't look as pregnant, but this is me relaxed. I remember last time getting to a point where it didn't matter if my abs were tight or not, that belly's gonna stick out. I'm not there yet, but I'm enjoying the first signs of baby.
Since everyone's already playing Christmas music and has Christmas decorations out. I thought I'd join in with my Christmasy pj pants. Actually, these are all I could find to lounge in the morning after we arrived back in Mississippi from our 10 day stay in Atlanta. I need cheer wherever I can find it today, though. I've been sick for about 3-4 days and I'm not better today, but worse. I'm so glad Eden's relatively easy and still takes naps. I'll be using her nap times as my own, for sure.

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