Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Woman's Hospital Tour

We took the tour of Woman's last night.  We stuck Eden in the sling because the stroller would have just been a hassle.  We don't use our slings much, but I'm sure glad we had one.  She seemed quite comfy.  She did fuss some and want me to hold her instead of Daddy, but that's par for the course.
Woman's is small compared to the hospital we had Eden in.  I think the rooms are comparable in size.  Nevermind.  I just asked Chuck and he says they were smaller at Woman's.  No biggie though.  
The thing we were most put off by was the fact that there was no option to have a monitor on AND walk the halls.  The nurse doing the tour said the only way to walk the halls was to have intermittent monitoring and I already know my OB won't allow that.  She did say that even though she would require constant monitoring that there was a way to "travel" with it.  At least that's what I heard in our discussion about what I want to be able to do in labor.  I'm going to reconfirm that tomorrow and ask if what she was talking about is only available at the River Oaks' Baby Suites (our tour there is at the end of this month).
When I was laboring with Eden, one of the ways I stayed sane in the early parts (early being 12-20 hours in) was to walk down the hall from my room to the newborn nursery and look at what I would surely have in not too many more hours.  We walked up and down that hallway several times.  I got very familiar with the rail on the wall and the chair beside the window to the nursery.  Leaning over the chair with a contraction, not sitting in it.
There were a few other little things, like the lack of good/varied food options for both Chuck and I while I stay there, the number of available large rooms, the foot of the bed in the delivery room doesn't drop down to allow sitting or squatting on the edge.  We'll see in a few weeks how different, if at all, Baby Suites is.  I'm a little nervous knowing that one of my two options has been taken from me (by the fact I can't walk while being monitored) and the one I have left, I don't really know anything about.
I looked at a message board online and all the posts from the ladies' who had birthed there were very positive, mostly about the staff.  There's a virtual tour available, but it's broken.  I guess I just have to wait. 
Speaking of the staff, I think I intended to do this last time, but I'd really like to bring something for my nurses this time.  Brownies, cookies, something nice to butter them up.. I mean, show them I appreciated them.  I have to be honest and admit there would be a two-fold purpose to the goodies.   I might be asking them to let me do some things that they aren't the most comfortable with, but with a brownie in your hand, how can you say no?  right?  or is that just the sweets-craving 28 week pregnant woman's perspective?

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