Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another Leap of Faith

I wondered if I would begin posting here as soon as I got pregnant again, or if I would wait until the first trimester was over. I wondered if I would even tell anyone, but my close family...
I decided it would be a lack of faith and trust on my part not to jump in and begin the journey publicly. It's just me I'm talking about here, of course. I have no problem with others waiting to tell folks. In my heart, there would be a part of me, a part of my trust held back if I waited. So this is what I must do. As an act of faith and a step toward the One who has created the new life within me, I begin the journey again with you. I covet your prayers and I look forward to updating you on baby Upshaw's progress.
With trembling excitement,

PS. I think it's a neat little coincidence that the date of the last posting after the miscarriage is the new baby's due date.

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