Friday, March 20, 2009

First Update

Craving for this week: orange juice

This week since finding out we were pregnant has been the slowest week EVER. I'm not sure why, but I hope this time slowing doesn't continue. I need to get distracted or something. I think it might be because I'm just so doggone tired. I am taking one to two naps a day once again. Every time I wake up, I feel as though I have sunk halfway into the matress and been drugged. It takes about a half an hour of being on my feet to feel fully awake.
I worked out for the first time in a long time today. I did 25 minutes on the elliptical with no headphones or music. Blech! I've been strolling with the baby, either around the neighborhood or around the mall, but I hadn't been to the Y in a while. I take that back, I have been, but not at the times when childcare was available. I forgot to check that very important schedule before carting Eden all the way over there. oops.
I have had a few other memory/brain issues... but I can't recall them right now. Baby brain strikes yet again.

1 comment:

Just His Best said...

Wow! I have been out of it! Congrats, congrats! This is GREAT news!!! Oddly enough, my due date is the date I miscarried last year. What a blessing and celebration that will be. Hang in there. I've felt like a zombie now for about 6 weeks. I've lost my cell phone once, locked my keys and phone in the car, forgotten to buckle Bennett into his carseat, left the garage door open when we went to get groceries, the list goes on. I'll be glad when the fog lifts and I feel like myself again. Thank you Lord for Baby Upshaw's life!