Monday, November 2, 2009

5 Minutes of Fun and Funny

Here's another video of the cutest child I have had so far. :)
Keep in mind that I am using the Mac to video, so, especially toward the end when I'm trying to follow her around the room, I can't see at all what I'm filming. I'm just guessing and pointing the computer towards her as it sits in my lap, so sometimes her head gets cut off or she goes out of the frame for a second.
I started filming her because she was using the little thingy (anyone know what it's called?) that came with her xylophone to hit it to make the notes... as a microphone. Wow, that sentence was amazing. This post isn't about writing, ok? It's about the cuteness you are soon to experience.
Anyway, I don't know where she's even seen anyone use a microphone, but we had the music channel playing on the TV and she was pretending to sing with the songs.
I couldn't get her to do it once she saw her image real time on the computer screen, but I caught some other frolicking and fun.

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