Thursday, July 23, 2009

Doctor's Visit

I went to the doc yesterday for my 22 week appt. I've been forgetting a lot of things lately. I almost forgot I had an appointment. I wish I hadn't forgotten to call my friend to watch Eden. Wow. It takes a LOT of energy and brain cells to entertain a toddler in a packed waiting room for over an hour... and then keep her entertained in a tiny hallway... and continue the merry making in a tiny office. We got there at 9:15 and left around 11:15. Fifteen minutes of that was spent with my doctor. Ugh. It's really not as bad when I'm there by myself. I expect the wait and so it's no surprise and no stress, but with Eden... that's another story. Every minute equals 5 and the stress levels rise. She really was about as good as she could be. She allowed herself to be entertained, charmed everyone in our quadrant of the waiting room. and only screamed bloody murder twice. The first scream was in the bathroom when I was giving a sample.
I don't know if I've EVER seen her do that and in a tiny bathroom at a doctor's office with patients sitting right outside at the nurses' station wasn't my ideal location for a first experience. She didn't want me to take the tissue from her that she was stuffing into her mouth, so she reared back, took a big intake of breath and screamed a solid 7-8 seconds. It seemed like an eternity and I just froze. I could only imagine what kinds of options the people sitting one foot outside the door must have come up with for the cause of that horrible noise.
Did I mention that, overall, she was really good? She was. I had several people comment to me in the waiting room that they couldn't believe how well-behaved she was. And when the OB finally saw us, she immediately said that several previous patients had told her about "the pregnant lady in the waiting room running after her toddler" and how impressed they were with both of us. :)
By the by... the appointment went fine. Arielle's heartbeat was in the 140s and I had no pregnancy related concerns or issues, so that was pretty much it.
I know it won't be easy with two, but as long as Chuck and I do our best, with God's help and good discipline, to make our lives easier than the "norm" I'll take it.

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