Sunday, July 12, 2009

Time Flies

Two things today reminded me how much time will fly between now and November. 
One was seeing that our hospital tour is scheduled for the end of this month.  (Already?)  I'm nervous and curious to see what this hospital is like.  I so wish I could go back and have Arielle at University Hospital in Augusta with Dr. Bartley.  I love you Dr. Bartley!!  I'm sure God will provide a good experience here for me.  I know some ladies who have had babies there and enjoyed their stay... but none of those were natural births.  We'll see what the atmosphere is like at the end of the month.
The other thing that made me realize how fast November is approaching is that another girl at church who is having her first baby in September is having her shower in just a couple of weeks.  (wonder if I'll have any showers this time...) 
July feels pretty far from November, especially in this heat, but it'll be here before I know it.

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