Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Too Soon

We went to Chick-fil-a for lunch today, or, as Eden says it, Chick-a-way.  We saw some friends who mentioned they had just come from Chuck E. Cheese.  Nothing gets past Eden and she asked me on the way home from lunch if we could go to Chuck E. Cheese.  I told her that was a good idea, because we have tokens that need to be used, but that we probably wouldn't go today.
When we got home, she asked if we could go to Chuck E. Cheese after nap.
"No, honey, I said we're not going today."

She looks forlorn and says, "It's too soon."

"Ok, whatever you say."

When I come to get her after her nap, she says, "Good afternoon, Mommy.  It's time to go to Chuck E. Cheese."

"Remember, I said we're not going to Chuck E. Cheese today?"

"It's too soon.  It's too soon, Mommy."

"Sure, if it helps you to think about it that way..."

You have to agree with whatever she says.  However she's worked it out in her brain is sometimes the only way she can grasp it at that moment.  As much as I would like to explain reasons for everything, sometimes, it's just impossible.  Either her inability to understand makes it impossible or my inability to think of any explanation that even makes sense to me makes it impossible.
In related news: I can now say that the words "because I said so" have officially crossed my lips, more because I was demanding an explanation of myself at that moment than because my daughter was actually asking for one.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Hilarious! "It's too soon." I love listening to these little creatures try to think things out. It is such entertainment when they decide to sort things out out-loud and give us a little window into their pitiful little heads! The only problem is, when I hear Bradley do this, I just feel so darn sorry for him because I realize that, just like he knows everything that's going on, he also doesn't know ANYTHING that's going on at the same time...does that make sense? It's so sad. Today, I tried to explain to him that he couldn't come out of his room until naptime is over, whether he decides to sleep or not. Finally, I just sighed and said/snapped, "Just stay here until I say you can come out!" and left the room. Then I went to the monitor and listened: "The red light means get up. No, the red light means to to sleep. The green light means time to rest. No, the yellow light means....the yellow, the yellow light means....the yyyyyyyyellow light means almost time to get up. The green light means get up. .............Bye-bye Mommy. Mommy went to the flower shop. She will come back after rest time..."

the flower shop??? when the heck have i ever gone out to the flower shop? poor little things!

then, after rest time ended, "Mommy, I'm so glad rest time is over."