Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Minute With Me

"AAAAAAHHhhhhh whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...."

This is how Eden cries now.

and this is what I am hearing right now.
Let me fill you in.

I am sitting with Arielle while she has some tummy time.  Eden asked to play "doctor" and gave me the stethoscope, wanting me to listen to her heatbeat.  I took the stethoscope and told her I would love to play with her.  She laid on the floor and decided to play "nap time" instead and asked me to go get a blanket.
I told her she could go grab a blanket and I would put it on her... and so it began.

"NOOOOoooooooo  a mamawhoa, whoa, whoa!  I wanna play!"

"I'm not going to go grab your blanket right now, but if you bring it to me, I'll put it on you."

"AAAAAHhhhhhh, no, no, no, whoa, whoa.  I want the blanket on!"

"I'll gladly put it on you if you bring it to me."  By the way, she's brought it to me MANY times before.

Continued and escalating crying.

"Ok, if you would like to cry for a while, you need to go sit in the crying chair."

Still crying.. "No I don't want to sit in crying chair!"

"Well, it would be better than standing in the corner for whining, which is really what you're doing right now."

The mention of standing in the corner sends the volume of the crying up and her little tushy straight to the chair.

While she's sitting in the chair, she's crying and saying, "I wanna sit in crying chair!  I wanna sit in crying chair."  I guess she's still afraid I'll change my mind and put her in the corner.

"That's fine Eden.  I'm not stopping you from sitting there, so sit."

Well, she must have misunderstood the "I'm not stopping you" part or something, because that produced another shriek, followed by even louder screaming and crying.

This girl baffles me.

After a few more minutes, she calmed down and stopped crying and I told her she could get out.

What does she do??  She stays there and starts crying again!  "I wanna blanket Mommy.  I wanna blanket on me!"

I am having dejavu.  "Eden, you are welcome to get out of the chair and go and get your blanket from your room."

And it continues.

Now Arielle needs to eat.  Thank you very much for sharing my day.  This moment in the life of a frustrated Mom and ever more baffling two-year-old brought to you by....
oh, wait, I don't have any sponsors.  I'm not getting paid for this.
I'll just say it was brought to you by Juicy Juice, generic formula and the letter "W"  for "whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

1 comment:

Adair said...

Poor mommy. At least you were able to turn your headache into a humorous anecdote for your readers to enjoy!