Friday, August 13, 2010


When I was 14, I had an assignment in Literature to write about the perfect age.  Here is what I wrote.

I think the perfect age is one year old.  New things meet your every glance.  Little wandering fingers feel new and exciting textures. Roaming eyes see dazzling objects, each one the perfect play toy.  A small nose twitches at each delicious aroma and tiny feet help to seek out the source.  New and wonderful sounds come from every direction: a lawn mower, leaves crackling beneath a jogger's feet, water running in a sink, the bark of a dog or even a toilet flushing.  All the world's a toy... to a one-year-old.

I got a sticker on my paper and a 97%.  Yes, a sticker.  It was a chicken holding an egg and it said "eggccellent work." I was home schooled. Don't judge.


Just His Best said...

I liked it! Did your mom actually give you number grades??? Wonder what the 3% off was for...

Sara said...

There were some grammar errors. Misplaced commas and such that I fixed for this post.