Thursday, May 27, 2010

Splish Splash

A Wal-Mart trip today provided a chance to buy a bin whose purpose will become a place to corral trash in the van. I'm trying to start off organized this time and help myself keep it clean.

I read somewhere recently that it was really easy to clean your baby in the sink instead of in one of those baby tubs.

With these two random events, I came up with... bathtime in the bin in the sink before my big ol' baby is too chunky to fit anymore.
It turns out it was a charming photo op because she could sit up by bracing her feet on the end of the bin.
Here are the results...



Elizabeth said...

I *heart* this a lot! Arielle, you so adorable!

Amy S. Norris said...

so cute, i could eat those cheeks!

Sara said...
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