Saturday, May 23, 2009


My baby is now supposed to be the size of a lemon. The email I get weekly from said I might barely be showing. HA! (How rude of them to assume how much any woman, especially one who has already had a baby, would be showing at any given point in the pregnancy!) I've been in maternity clothes for weeks and I'm expecting people to begin asking when I'm due. I need to carry a little honorary ribbon around in my diaper bag to award to the first person this pregnancy to ask me the due date (that doesn't know whether or not I'm pregnant).

"Award for Most Awkward Question," it would read in gold letters.

Nobody should EVER ask any woman that, even if she's hugely pregnant. I'm just waiting for that first query. Poor person. They don't even know I'm already writing about them... making fun of their poor manners.

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