A bit about me and, specifically, me as a mom.
I stole some of these questions from the blog linked at the right -------->
My city: I live in Jackson, Mississippi, but (and I never thought I would say this) my city is Atlanta.
I've been a mom for two years and four months.
The best thing I learned from my own mother is the importance of injecting a worldview according to Scripture into every activity, from the very beginning.
Favorite mommy moment: seeing or causing laughter in either of my girls.
Describe motherhood in one word: Can I please have more than one? I'd like to say educational because there's really soooo much to learn, about parenting, about my girls, about my husband, about myself AND I'd like to also say touching because so many, many parts of me have been touched that I was unaware of before.
I would feel lost without my GPS in my purse or car. (quite literally)
I could not live without my baby playpen in my house.
I keep my sanity by complaining to God (sometimes called praying) and having playdates.
My favorite part of the day is lunch time. It's just before naps and everyone is usually content.