Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Baby

A friend of mine recently experienced a miscarriage. I read her story on her blog yesterday. I cried. I'm feeling the tears welling again now.
I don't think about my little one very much or very often. There isn't room enough in my brain... nor would it be healthy. Besides, I know he's being well taken care of. I do wish I could've met him here on earth, but then there's this weird reality that if I had met him, I would've never met Arielle. I can see where the idea of alternate time-lines and simultaneous realities etc. came from. It's only natural to wonder how it would be to experience BOTH options.
I keep a pin in the shape of a heart on my winter coat and this is the first winter I got it back out since the miscarriage. I had actually completely forgotten about the pin and it was a bit of an emotional shock to see it there on the lapel. I took a moment, remembered, gave it to God again and then wore it and remembered the comfort God provided and is still providing.
I went back and read the post this morning that I wrote on the very day we saw the lack of a heartbeat on the monitor. That day was November 18, 2009.
Arielle Genevieve was born November 18, 2010.
Talk about redemption! God is Good. All the time.

1 comment:

Just His Best said...


Sorry to jump back a few posts, but how's Arielle sleeping? I had a hard time with Whitaker at 4 months and ended up talking to someone from LeLeche League. After my 4th baby you'd think I'd know this by now, but I was shocked to hear that a breastfed baby SHOULD NOT be sleeping through the night at four months. In fact, the hours b/w 11pm and 4am are when you make the richest milk for brain development and your baby should have at least one feeding during this time.

She could have totally lied to me,but it keeps me going in the middle of the night... :)