Wednesday, February 3, 2010

An Outing

Since the mundane and every-day seems to be all I can think about, that's what I'll blog about.
I went to the grocery store this morning. That's an accomplishment with two babies. I really couldn't even wrap my brain around how to do it when Arielle was first born. Do I balance the car seat in the front of the cart and put Eden in the basket, hope she doesn't open everything I put in the cart or jump out... and try to steer by peeking around the face-level car seat? Do I put Eden in the front where she belongs and put the car seat in the basket, leaving no room for groceries? Do I sling the baby and hope she doesn't urp and soak the sling and me while I shop? Do I just use my double stroller and fill the basket underneath and the canopies with as much as I can?
Here's my solution: I put Eden in the seat in the front of the cart, Arielle in her carseat in the main part of the cart and scoot her halfway underneath Eden so about a third of the cart is available for groceries. My diaper bag goes in the narrow space between the front wheels under Eden and I put two plastic shopping baskets underneath the main part of the cart. It requires a lot of pulling up of pants and readjustment of shirts from bending over so much to put things in and organize the lower baskets, but it's really easy to take them directly from the cart to the checkout counter. So much faster! Now, I have found it to be more difficult to get the bagged groceries back into the cart to get everything to the car. Once it's bagged, it's much harder to organize it. If you enjoy Tetris, you'd enjoy this experience, but I never really got into Tetris. I just played it because it was one of the few games I had for my GameBoy.
And that's grocery shopping for me. Fascinating huh?

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