Sunday, July 31, 2011

Christmas in July

I was lamenting to Chuck the difficulty all the "Christmas in July" sales and ads have made for me.
"Try explaining to a three-year old." I said, "why there is a huge Christmas tree in Hobby Lobby and pictures of Christmas ornaments and stuff in stores all over town when it's not Christmas time."

It's been a repetitious couple of weeks telling her it's tooooooo early. I tried to explain the stores having sales so that people could start getting their presents etc. etc.

Chuck decides to take a crack at it over dinner and says to Eden, "Three things need to happen before it's even close to Christmas. We need to go to DC for a month, Arielle needs to have a birthday and it needs to get cold."
He looked over at me and, somewhat jokingly, said, "I think I made an impression."
After about a minute, he turned to her again and asked, "Eden, what three things need to happen before it's close to Christmas?"

She replied, "Um, something about decorating. And a Christmas tree!!"

He made quite an impression.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Where is Everybody?

Arielle's vocabulary is expanding by leaps and bounds. Her little brain is going all the time and she asks questions to keep tabs on everybody.
Over the weekend, Chuck got up with the girls and I stayed in bed. Arielle asked, "Mommy seeping?" Cute, right?
She will also ask, "Daddy work?" on most days.
The other day, Eden napped longer than usual in the afternoon and while Arielle was having her snack, she asked, "Eden work?" I had a good chuckle and then told her that Eden was still sleeping.
She responded "Oh, Eden seeping. Shhhhhh."