Sunday, July 31, 2011

Christmas in July

I was lamenting to Chuck the difficulty all the "Christmas in July" sales and ads have made for me.
"Try explaining to a three-year old." I said, "why there is a huge Christmas tree in Hobby Lobby and pictures of Christmas ornaments and stuff in stores all over town when it's not Christmas time."

It's been a repetitious couple of weeks telling her it's tooooooo early. I tried to explain the stores having sales so that people could start getting their presents etc. etc.

Chuck decides to take a crack at it over dinner and says to Eden, "Three things need to happen before it's even close to Christmas. We need to go to DC for a month, Arielle needs to have a birthday and it needs to get cold."
He looked over at me and, somewhat jokingly, said, "I think I made an impression."
After about a minute, he turned to her again and asked, "Eden, what three things need to happen before it's close to Christmas?"

She replied, "Um, something about decorating. And a Christmas tree!!"

He made quite an impression.

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