Monday, November 22, 2010

Heard at our House

Chuck was putting Eden to bed while on vacation at the beach.
She had woken us up the night before specifically calling for him, which is a rarity even though he puts her to bed every night.  It's Mommy she usually calls for.
She had called him the night before only to say that she wanted to see the ocean.  So, Chuck was putting her to bed as usual, but trying to explain to her/convince her not to call him and wake him up in the middle of the night.  He was explaining that Daddy likes to sleep.  Then he paused.

"Well, Daddy has woken Mommy up in the middle of the night sometimes." (He talks in his sleep, sometimes to me.... and sometimes he sits up as well.)
"I guess you waking me up is just my just desserts for waking Mommy up.  But still don't call us in the middle of the night and wake Mommy up.  I don't know what Mommy did to deserve being woken up.  I guess that just comes along with being Mommy."

All this was explained to Eden, but overheard by me.  And I thought it was very sweet.  In a way.

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